Orbital elements: 2020 XR Perigee 2028 Dec 1.287499 +/- 11.7 TT = 6:53:59 (JD 2462106.787499) Epoch 2028 Dec 1.0 TT = JDT 2462106.5 Find_Orb q431806.891 +/- 7.37e+7 (J2000 equator) H 19.8 G 0.15 Peri. 136.66527 +/- 45 Node 333.42021 +/- 150 e 157.7686565 +/- 137870 Incl. 137.99102 +/- 60 49 of 52 observations 2020 Dec. 4-9; mean residual 0".35 # State vector (heliocentric equatorial J2000): # +0.352910619354 +0.842184028486 +0.368214138238 AU # -18.946106687786 +11.132898758794 -0.953098665169 mAU/day # State vector relative to central body: # -0.001785391423 -0.002718090458 0.001330551065 AU # -2.619517702146 6.409311635173 -0.914055037330 mAU/day # Elements written: 10 Dec 2020 11:17:14 (JD 2459193.970301) # Full range of obs: 2020 Dec. 4-9 (52 observations) # Find_Orb ver: Mar 17 2019 22:07:14 # Perturbers: 000007fe (Merc-Pluto plus Luna); not using JPL DE # Diameter 460.6 meters (assuming 10% albedo) # Score: 0.574799 # $Name=2020%20XR $Ty=2028 $Tm=11 $Td=18.450429 $MA=3.08649 # $ecc=0.6157308 $Eqnx=2000. # $a=2.5229682 $Peri=163.02137 $Node=249.65317 $Incl=14.05393 # $EpJD=2462106.500 $q=0.969499 $T=2462093.950429 $H=19.8 # Sigmas avail: 1