SADEYA WWW Information Service
Welcome to the SADEYA WWW Server. The Sociedad Astronomica de España y America
(SADEYA) is a non-profit organisation devoted to promote research and education of
Astronomy and related sciences.
The descriptions below will help you choose the correct path through our Web to find
the information you need.
- Español
- A Spanish version of this page.
- What's New
- Find here the latest additions to our WWW server.
- Ephemerides
- Contains astronomical ephemerides.
- Public
- Contains links to information of general interest.
- Infortécnica access
- Graphical web of SADEYA (in Spanish).
- Information about the Sociedad Astronomica de España y America, its
Publications and general history of the association.
- Is this Web site for you ?
- For the casual Web surfer: Is this Web site of interest to you ? Here you have some
information to see it for yourself.
If you find an astronomical term strange to you, take a look at our basic astronomy glossary (in Spanish).
WWW pages from our users
Web Resources for Space Sciences (in Spanish)
And a direct access to FTP Files.
Phone our Space BBS at +34-3-3529116
Carlos Amengual,
March 16, 1996
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